Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Maher Zain feat. Fadly "Padi" - Insha Allah

Maher Zain - Insha Allah | Insya Allah | ماهر زين - إن شاء الله

(modern) islamic music

by : muse_sic

Every time you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost and
That you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair n' never loose hope
Cos' Allah is always by your side
The text above is a piece of a Maher Zain's song which called Inshaallah, and recently so favored by Muslims around the world, especially in Indonesia. the song was arranged in style of R & B music which is combined with Arab ethnic musical instruments and Maher Zain's vocal that has typical Arabic style.
Maher Zain has been able to present non-mainstream music such as a music in demand by music lovers from various backgrounds, especially for the Muslims around the world.
when we talk about modern Islamic music, we can say that Islamic music can be developed following the time. such like in indonesia, there so many indonesian musicians who has made religious albums in various music styles. Some Indonesian musicians like Gigi, Ungu, Dewa 19, Tompi, Republik, Wali, and many more has  presented a modern Islamic music in various styles to their fans.
Gigi, this Indonesia's top band has made several religious (Islamic) albums with a strong rock feel which has a
popular singles like : Tuhan, Lailatul Qodar, and Pintu Sorga, although their performance when promoting their religious songs seems like their usual as a rock band

Ungu band as pop musicians also spawned a religious album with shades of pop rock, and Tompi who is known as a jazz musician as well bring Islamic music with strong jazz feel.
it shows that the modern Islamic music should not just to be confined to one style, but can also develop as non-religious music. seems like Pop music, islamic music also can be combined with rock, R & B, Jazz, Blues etc.

so what is the different between islamic music and non islamic music ? the difference is on the symbols ​​contained.a music can be regarded as an Islamic music, if there is symbols of Islam in it that could be assumed that the music is islamic music
the symbols are not only found in the arrangements of the music, but also in the lyrics, video clips, and the appearance of the musicians. but the most powerful symbol to indicate that the song is a religious song or not, is generally visible on the lyric. Islamic song lyrics often contain islamic words such as : Allah, Muhammad, Ramadan, bismillaah, etc..
in addition, there is Islamic-theme in the song, especially for Islamic values ​​such as: worship, reading al-qur'an, alms, birrul walidain, etc. 

so, the islamic song, Inshaallah, will always be meaningful and will always giving good value for the listeners. such like the song which i mentioned at the beginning of this paper ; Inshaallah

NATALIE IMBRUGLIA VERSI PONOROGO...(naksantrie ambrukgila)

iwan fals yang terlupakan - tribute to

LED ZEPPELIN : Stairway to Heaven (live).

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

non-mainstream music

by : Muse_Sic

Do you like pop music?
what about Blues, Jazz, and other non-mainstream musics?
pop music often sounds good because it generally contains an easy listening melody,  I love it too.and i also listened to it everyday.
but sometimes pop music as the mainstream music sounded dull.
non-mainstream music is sometimes more fun to listen when my ears are getting tired of listening to pop music that generally only dwell on the monotonous melodies.
advantages possessed by non-mainstream music is not fettered by the demands of commercialization of the music world. so the musicians could explore as freely as possible regardless of how many listeners who would listen.
freedom for artists, especially for musicians, is a very valuable thing. an artist is that they are truly dedicated to a work of art, so if they shackled the freedom, the artwork they produce cannot give any valuable contribution to human civilization.
that is why, sometimes I feel a bit fed up with mainstream music that generally tend to commercialization, so then the music produced only memorable moment and then sinks.
as a Muslim, I also dislike the excessive freedom in music activities, because Islam forbids it. but that does not mean that Islam forbids all kinds of music.
Islam forbids freedom in music work and activities that contain pornography, destruction, and porno-action, and the things that damage the other.
good music is the music that can make a valuable contribution to mankind, not the music that contains the damage.
beautiful music is the music that contains deep meaning in the arrangement and the lyrics contained in it, not the music that only subject to the market demands.

Transcribe Music, Songs, Notes, Chord, Solos

by: James Todd
To many musicians, the words “transcribing music,” are words that induce feelings of despair and nausea. Many musicians that have tried to transcribe music before may have run into problems such as: not being able to hear the bass line, the song may be played at too fast of a tempo to even give it a good try, etc. They may have tried to play a chord, but couldn’t make out one or two of the notes necessary to make the chord sound the right way. Transcribing music can be very difficult and challenging process (sigh); but it can also be a very rewarding.

Transcribing a song makes the transcriber listen to a song and play it by ear. Playing by ear definitely makes a person a better musician. Playing by ear makes you more aware of what is going on musically; creates more effective communication with other musicians; and gives you a bigger appreciation for what is being done in a song. A beginning transcriber will make many mistakes and miss some of the importance of a song. This is to be expected, so do not give up so quickly.

In order to transcribe music, there are several steps that must be taken. First, you must listen to the whole song several times, without stopping, rewinding, fast-forwarding, and pausing. Try singing or humming the melody of the song. Take notes. Don’t be afraid to write down how you feel about the song. Put chords to the music. Learn the solos, riffs, etc. Put this all down on paper. And in between all of that, also take the time to learn more about theory and other sheet music.

A program like Song Surgeon can be a huge aid for transcribers. It allows you to slow a song down so you can more clearly hear what is being played. It also enables you to set up loop points, so you can focus on specific segments and play them repeated AND at a slowed down pace. Many slow down program introduce distortion when a song is slowed down. Song Surgeon does not, it provides distortion free audio with both key and/or tempo change.

It also contains vocal reduction and EQ functionalities. These features allow you to diminish or minimize certain frequencies (i.e. instruments) so you can focus on others.

Lastly, Song Surgeon offers a fully functional, 4-hour free demo, so you can try the program before you buy it. If you are looking for some BIG time help or assistance with transcribing, take a look at Song Surgeon.

Don’t forget that transcribing music is not easy to do. If you fail, pick yourself up and try again. You’re most likely not going to get it right on the first try. It may take several different songs and a long time to develop good, accurate transcribing skills. Lastly, have fun with it and enjoy doing what many musicians are too scared to even attempt.

About The Author
James Todd is an ecommerce consultant with more than 30 years of sales, marketing, business development and licensing experience. He is the owner of the slow down music software, Song Surgeon, mentioned in this article.
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unintended - muse

intro : E B

E Am D G
You could be my unintended choice to live my life extended

C B7 E
You could be the one i'll always love

E Am D G
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions

C B7 E
You could be the one i'll always love

E Am D G C
I'll be there as soon as i can but i'm busy mending broken pieces

B7 E
of the life i had before

E Am D G
First there was the one who challenged all my dreams and all my balance

C B7 E
She could never be as good as you

E Am D G
You could be my unintended choice to live my life extended

C B7 E
You could be the one i'll always love

E Am D G C
I'll be there as soon as i can but i'm busy mending broken pieces

B7 E
of the life i had before , before you (play this part two times)

Outro: Am - G - F - F - E